Help >> How to enter the program registration code

If you do not have a registration code for the selected computer, you must purchase a registration or get a temporary registration. To purchase a registration, contact the author at, or use the feedback form.

After receiving the registration code for the selected computer:

Run the program on the selected computer with administrator rights. For this

- in Windows 7/10: click the right mouse button on the program file being launched. Select Run as administrator. If the current user does not have enough rights, the system will prompt you to enter the password of the user who has the rights to run the program with administrator rights.

- in Windows XP: run the program as a user with computer administrator rights.

Select the item "?" in the main menu, in it the item "About me ....

In the "About the program..." window that opens, click the "Register..." button

In the window that opens, enter

- in the User field - username (does not affect registration - you can leave it empty and then change it)

- in the Licensee field - the name of the legal entity or full name of the individual for whom the registration code was issued

- in the registration-Code field - the registration code that you received for this computer

The licensee and registration code are indicated in the letter that you received after registration. Please copy the fields from the received email (use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) and don't typewrite them. It is easy to make a mistake when typewriting this data.

Click the Ok button

The program is registered. The validity period of registration and subscription to updates can be seen in the "About ..." window.

Happy use.